Thursday 16 July 2015

Review: The summer of metalic tattoos

If you are looking for a way to spice up your style this summer, I might have just the right thing for you.

 A little while ago I bought this set of metallic tattoos in New Yorker and they quickly became my favorite summer accessory.

When I went to the seaside with my cousin, we took them with us, and tried them out. Not to ruin the surprise, but we both absolutely loved them.

The application is easy; you probably know how to do it from childhood years when you would apply tattoos. When they set, the finish is just as metallic and reflective as it was on the paper. The tattoos look amazing; the silver looks especially good on tanned skin.

What I was worried about the most was the lasting power. We had the tattoos on while swimming in the sea, sweating, showering and they stayed intact for four days on me. 

I removed mine (and it took lots of very rough scrubbing), but my cousin left them on for longer and they started fading away after 6 days from application. If you take a bit of care when drying yours skin with a towel, the tattoos will easily last for a week at least.

I bought this set in New Yorker for 2,95€.

I'm hooked and will definitely get a lot of use out of these (and to be honest, I already ordered some more). 

They are, at least to me, a great way to accessorize this summer and bring a bit of fun into my life!

Thanks for reading and see you in my next post!


your Beautysaur


  1. Super, jaz sem si jih pa prek spleta naročila in jih čakam že 3 tedne.. sem že malo slabe volje okoli tega...hehe no saj jih bom dočakala, imam nekaj podobnih motivov kot ti :)

    1. Moje naročilo z novimi je pravkar prispelo, tako da komaj čakam da jih sprobam :D

  2. meni so fajn ti tatuji ampak pazi ! mene je sonce opeklo in ko je šel kasneje tatu dol, je tam ostalo vse belo haha ;D

    1. Meni je pa to kar všeč, sem precej porjavela ko sem imela gor tatoo in se sedaj pozna bel obris, na srečo je bil tatoo preproste oblike in meni izgleda kar všečno :D

  3. Kako so leeeeeepi :) Ne vem zakaj jih nisem še kupila, vsakič pozabim pogledati v kakšni trgovini ali pa jih naročiti :/ Čeprav malo moram še počakati, ker sem zelo bela in mi je lepše na porjaveli koži :) Se mi zdi, da bolj izstopajo.

    1. Sploh srebrni izgledajo noro na porjaveli koži! :)

  4. Jaz sem tudi obsedena s temi tatuji. Imam kar nekaj teh listkov doma, pa se mi še vedno zdi premalo in jih šparam :D Na morju pa ne vem kako bom s tem. Mi je zelo lepo, ampak ne bi rada imela belih madežev:). Tebi so pa res dolgo držali. Meni bolj kakšne tri dni. Nekateri z Ebaya so pa zanič. Se že ne zalepijo gor sploh kot bi morali :/

    1. Jaz sem jih najprej ful šparala, potem sem se pa odločila, da jih imam da jih uporabljam, in jih zdaj kar tako, tudi samo za v službo ipd nosim :D Jaz imam zdaj ene z AliExpressa, pa bom videla kako se obnesejo :)

  5. Jaz tudi obožujem te tattoje, samo jih še tukaj na žalost nisem vidla. Bo potrebno malo globje pobrskat...

  6. Kako luštni! Prav dopolnijo kakšen outfit, samo dvomim da jih bom jaz imela, saj nebi rada zagorela in potem imela tam kjer bi imela ta tattoo imela bele madeže :) Drugače pa izgledajo super!

    x, Katja

  7. Meni so super, sama sem jih kupla v Nami za približno 3-4 evre in sem dobila polhen tatoojev, kot si rekla res dolgo časa trajajo in zagotot *must have* tega poletja:)


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