Ever since
I first stumbled upon a Primark store in London, I was always drawn back to it.
Unbelievable bargains and the latest fashion trends are quite irresistible and
when I was travelling I always made sure to check if there is a Primark store
It's safe
to say, that I was extremely excited when I heard about a Primark store opening
in one of my favorite shopping centers in Austria.
Back then, it was long
before opening, and the wait was way too long. Last month, the store finally
opened, and I made sure to go up there and check it out.
To be
completely honest, I've been there three times already. I planned the first
trip with my boyfriend, long before the store opened, and we went there the
first week after opening. The second time was an impulse visit, when we made a
slight detour on a road trip with my parents.
Later in the month, my family
made a serious shopping trip to Austria and we stopped at Primark again. Yes, I
know it sounds excessive, but it just kind of happened, and who am I to say no
to shopping!
Compared to
other Primark stores I've been to (Oxford Street ones for example), this one
turned out to be a little bit smaller, even though it still is quite enormous.
Most of the sections are generously covered in the store with the exception of the
home section, that could in my opinion, be bigger and better stocked. There is
a variety of options and different styles to pick from, but I feel like the
offer is limited compared to bigger stores in England.
I was seriously
impressed by the tidiness of the place. Those of you who are familiar with
Primark stores will know, that they are more often than not a huge mess, where piles
and piles of clothes are thrown all around the store and the masses of people
make you feel like you are in sort of a chaotic ZOO.
This one is different,
there are lots of employees all around the stores, constantly folding clothes,
putting them in the right place and making sure that everything is in order.
the shopping experience was very pleasant and rather successful. The staff is
nice, the store big and nicely organized and the offer big and versatile. If
one store isn't enough for you, the Seiersberg shopping center (where the
Primark is located), offers a lot more and I'm sure you would find something
for yourself.
suggestion: Visit TKMaxx, where you can always find a lot of high-end stuff for
very affordable prices and if you are a beauty enthusiast, make sure you go to
Douglas or other drugstores in the center. )
P.S.: As I mentioned, my second visit to the Primark store was an impulse one, when we made a detour on our roadtrip. We had my dog with us and found out that dogs are welcome in the shopping center. It's not like I make it a habit of going shopping with the pup, but it's nice to know, that this is also an option, if you happen to have your dog with you!
My next post will be a haul of the things that I bought in Primark, so make sure to come back and check it out!
Thanks for reading and see you in my next post!
your Beautysaur
joj super post:) sama obvezno grem v septembru še enkrat gor, ker zj ko sem bla sloh nisem šla skozi celotno trgovino, kaj šele skozi vse ostale trgovine, ki so v danem kompleksu, pa sem jih vidla precej:). Mislim,d a bom prepogosto gor in da bi najraje še kar samo tam kupovala:):):), joj tele dekice za zimo so ful lepeee:)
ReplyDeleteHvala :) Ja Seiersberg je res ogromen in se moraš skoraj organizirat, da si lahko pogledaš vse kar te zanima :) Pri nas v družini je to naša stalna destinacija za shopping, zdaj ko je tam pa še Primark, bomo pa zagotovo še raje hodili tja :D
DeleteMeni je tut blo super :) ponavadi grema z mamo 4x letno v siesberg in ikejo, mislim da boma zdaj povečali obiske :D imajo pa res vse, ogromno je zaposlenih (opazila sem da so celo različnih narodnosti), čisto je, treba pa se je kr fajn organizirat da vse pregledaš :D tudi jaz sem bla v 1 tednu 2x tam, najprej sem peljala mamo potem pa še fanta in brata, ki sta bila prav tako navdušena :D
ReplyDeletePotem nisem edina, ki je bila večkrat hh :)
DeleteWaw, sama komaj čakam, da grem! Nazadnje sem bila v Primarku v Lizboni in pokupila toliko, da sem šla komaj na metro-ju skozi vrata :D haha
ReplyDeleteSicer pa res luškan blogec, followed!
Vem kako je to, moji kovčki na poti iz Londona so bili vedno veliko pretežki :D
DeleteHvala, in enako ;) :)
Jaa, ko sem bila v Londonu nisem šla v Primark, pa saj tudi časa ni bilo. Zdaj pa ko je blizu nas, pa mene ni blizu.. Sem pregledala, pa mislim da je tudi nekaj trgovih Primarka na Kanarskih, samo ne na tem otoku... Upam, da me čimprej zanese tja (: Koliko slišim po pripovedovanju drugih in zdaj tebe, se vsekakor splača (:
ReplyDeleteSe bosta že našla ko bo pravi čas, mogoče je tako še bolje za tvojo denarnico :D