Wednesday 18 November 2015

Cranberry Festive Fresh Mask by Lush

In the winter time my skin tends to get slightly drier and needs a bit more love than during the year. When the lovely sales lady in Lush recommended a limited edition Cranberry mask to me, I was really excited to try it.

 When looking for a mask, I set myself quite a difficult task of finding one that will work for me (with oily skin) and my mum (with quite sensitive and dry mature skin) as well. The festive Cranberry mask from Lush seemed to be the perfect solution.

 The combination of antioxidant cranberries and caring argan oil helps to revive the skin and boosts the circulation while the argan oil moisturises and makes it really soft. It's really nourishing and to make it work for both, me and my mum, I follow it up with a very gentle face cream, and my mum applies add something nourishing after use.

The mask looks very pink in the pot, has a very grainy texture and is quite thick to the touch. The scent is very strong, but relaxing and gradually disappears as the mask dries.

 When you remove the mask, the skin looks slightly red due to the pink colour of the mask and boosted circulation, but it feels incredible, very soft and nourished. Both me and my mum loved using it and were looking forward to the evenings when we would cleanse our skin and enjoy a pampering mask.

All of the fresh masks from Lush are amazing in my opinion and I highly recommend this one, especially if you like Christmas as much as I do, this one will be perfect for December!

Have you tried any of the Lush face masks? Which one do you like the most?

Thanks for reading and see you in my next post!


your Beautysaur


  1. Čuje se fajn,ampak priznam da bi me rdečica po odstranitvi najbrž kar malo prestrašila :)) moram se malo v ta lush sprehodit, si samo lušte celi čas delam :))

    1. No sej morda sem se pa narobe izrazla, samo rahlo rdeča lička imaš po njej, tko nekako kot da bi pršla iz mraza na toplo :D


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