somebody has been spending too much time on Sephora website again (bad
Beautysaur!). I just can't help it, I can't resist the urge to spend hours
lusting after products that I will probably never own (how productive!). But,
trying to see the silver lining, I can make another wish list post, so here it
is- come and join me in admiration of these goodies:
1. Ole Henriksen; The Works Kit -$48
After hearing so much about the brand I would love to try out some
products and this one seems really interesting!
2. Kat von D; Monarch Eyeshadow Palette
I mean, who wouldn’t want to have another neutral palette? Just
look at the color, they are so gorgeous!
3. GlamGlow; Supermud Clearing
Treatment -$69
If even just the half of what they say about this is true, I want a
lifetime supply of it!
4. Dior; Dior Addict Lip Glow -$32
Why not be lazy when you can get away with it while having beautiful
lips? Seems like a perfect every day product! (even though a bit pricy for everyday
5. Chloe; My Little Chloe Trio -$75
Everybody is raving about these perfumes and I wouldn’t mind trying them
6. Fresh; Peony Brightening Night Treatment
Mask -$65
I’m trying to improve my skin and would probably benefit from a product
like that, but honestly, I mainly want it because it’s peony (I might be just
slightly obsessed with the scent).
7. Beautyblender -$19,95
Truth be told, I just want to see what the hype is all about and whether
it is really worth it.
8. YSL, Rouge Pur Couture Vernis a
Levres Glossy Stain (105 Corail Hold Up)
It’s glossy, it’s a stain, it’s luxurious and it’s coral. Do I have to
say more?
9. Bobbi Brown; Nectar & Nude Eye
Palette -$48
It is basically another version of the Naked 3 (which I own and love),
so why not whish for another one?
and just in case if anybody has been wondering –it all adds up to a small
amount of $437,95. I think I will stick to just dreaming about these for now!)
What are the product on your high-end wishlist?
See you in my next post!
your Beautysaur

Kat von D paletka res izgleda čudovito. :)
ReplyDeleteOh ja res je, še boljše je pa da obstaja še vijolično obarvana verzija te paletke ki tudi zgleda odlično :)
DeleteHaha, te popolnoma razumem, jaz tudi tak včasih zapravljam čas :)) In kar hitro se nabere visoka cifra :D Mogoče pa si bomo nekega dne to vse lahko privoščile :)) Za BB mene tudi zanima, če je res tak dober, bi enkrat tvegala, pa ga kupila (čeprav je dokaj drag in je na ebuyu kar dosti ponaredkov)
ReplyDeleteMogoče, jaz kar sanjam da bo nekoč prišel čas ko bomo lahko brez skrbi sprobale vsako tako modno muho :) Drugače pa nikakor ne morem verjet da bi bil BB lahko tako dober, ampak ko ga kdo uporabi v tutorialu pa rezultati izgledajo odlično O.o
DeleteTele gobice za makeup so res čudežne :)
ReplyDeleteMoje mnenje pa je, da se pri tej določeni firmi res plača le firmo - pomembno je le, da je gobica iz takšnega materiala, da se res res napihne, ko jo zmočiš :)
Sama sem namesto da bi kupila beauty blender sprobala od Real Techniques
ReplyDeleteMiracle Complexion Sponge. Je veliko cenejša gobica (6$), sem pa več kot zadovoljna z rezultati. Na youtubu preveri, boš vidla da se večinoma vse strinjajo da je enako dobra kot beauty blender, če ne še boljša