What does one do, when one's wallet is completely empty and
one can't afford to buy stuff? You guessed it, one goes on the internet,
browses through way to many sites and makes wishlists of stuff one will
probably never own! I was doing exactly that and when I searched through the
Ted Baker site I found so many spring themed items, that I decided to share
them with you:
LACEEY metal tip floral court shoes; 150€
MISTSY scarf/cape; 125€
ELECTAR, OILIOR, FLORATE, SEWEETY scarf/cape; each 125€
ENNA floral print purse; 125€
MAZINO rose gold watch; 245€
CARLII floral print dress; 240€
GLASE sunglasses; 115€
FLUZE floral print over shoulder bag; 85€
Thanks for reading guys!
your Beautysaur

So cute *o*