Saturday, 26 September 2015

Golden Rose - new brand in town + review

The brand that recently became available on Slovenian markets is an old »friend« of mine. It was a long time ago on a trip somewhere, when me and my friend stumbled upon a full basket of incredibly reduced nail polishes. Even though we never heard about the brand before, we collected all different shades that were available and then shared then between us. It took me a long time to actually test them out, but then I quickly realized they were absolutely incredible. 

Of course, they were nowhere to be found on Slovenian markets, so I gave up all hope of ever getting my hand on more. Nearly a year after, my parents went to Turkey and came back with a few of Golden Rose polishes as a present for me. Same as the other ones, these were just as amazing.

Last month I was surprised with the news that a Golden Rose store will be opening in Slovenia. After a blogger event with Aussie , me and few girls debated on where to go for a coffee and wisely decided to check out the newly opened store. When we finally found it, we happily dived in.

 My main interests were the nail polishes, and I managed to restrain myself and only pick four. There were so many other makeup bits that I also wanted to check out, but then settled on only buying a gorgeous lipstick crayon.

Now that I've rambled on for so long, let me tell you what I think about the products that I got:

Rich Color Nail Lacquer in 106
This line has by my favorite from the beginning and I made sure to pick a color or two. The first that caught my eye a bright berry which looks like it has tiny blue holographic glitter running through it, but it doesn't show up on the nails. 

It is a perfect transition color from bright summer nail polishes to dark winter colors.  The formula of these polishes is amazing, somehow almost gel-like. The finish is very glossy and the staying power also simply incredible.

Rich Color Nail Lacquer in 68
This polish is from the same line as the previous one and is just as amazing. This one is a beautiful light blue. The formula is creamy and the polish looks wonderful on the nails. I'm was impressed with this line before and now I am more obsessed with them –I'm definitely getting more!

Matte Nail Lacquer in 10
I was immediately intrigued by the matte line, where a deep, dark blue was calling my name and begging me to take it home.  The botte is gorgeous and the handle of the brush is very practical and easy to work with. The polish applies very smoothly and rather quickly dries to what I would call a semi-matte finish. 

The formula seems to spread very thinly on the nails, which kind of accentuates all the ridges in the nails, but luckily that is not very visible because of the dark color. The polish is nice, I adore the color, but it's not my favorite.

Paris Nail Lacquer in 98
First of all, let's talk about a genius name and design. The bottle is shaped like an Eiffel Tower and the line is called Paris, what a great idea! I have a few of these from before and they are lovely, so I was very confident I'd like this one when I chose the glittery silver holographic one. 

The line has a very long and thin brush that allows precise application, but I am not a fan of the long handles that make opening the bottle a very difficult task. Besides that, this line is amazing, and the color is just what I was looking for –small holographic glitter that will spark up any nail polish.

Matte Lipstick Crayon in 03
If I understood correctly, these are a new addition to the line. They immediately caught my eye, partly because they reminded me of the Maybelline ones and partially because I fell in-love with this gorgeous color. It's a very dark, berry shade with a red-brown undertone, perfect vampy shade for fall. The formula is lovely –even though it dries into a satin-matt finish, it feels smooth and moisturizing on the lips. 

The application is a bit tricky because the shape is not very appropriate for applying dark lipsticks, but I usually apply dark lipsticks with a lip brush anyway. This quickly became one of my favorite fall lipsticks and I really want to try a nude shade as well!

Overall, the Golden Rose brand was (just as I expected) affordable, very versatile and really impressive. The nail polishes are simply gorgeous and the lip pencil just as well, I can't wait to try out more!

For all Slovenian readers who suddenly feel the urge to try the brand themselves, the Golden Rose stores are now located in BTC, hall A and a Mercator Shop on Šmartinska street –go check them out, you won't regret it!

Have you tried any of the Golden Rose products, which do you recommend for me to try out?

Thanks for reading and see you in my next post!

your Beautysaur


  1. Joj, roza/vijoličen je tako lep! Sicer pa še nisem slišala za znamko, me zanima kakšna so preostala ličila – moram preverit! In tako lepe jesenske slike <3

    1. Kupil sem Mineralna mkae-upom foundation... neverjetno je.

    2. Jaz grem definitivno kmalu nazaj, da preizkusim še kakšen produkt :D

  2. Jaz sem si tudi privoščila temno moder mat lak in sem zelo zadovoljna z njim, je pa res, da ga nanesem malce bolj na debelo da izgleda bolj gladko. Tale prva berry barva je pa tudi zelo lepa, ne vem kako sem jo lahko zgrešila :D

    1. Mislim da smo vse precej zmešano skakale od poličke do poličke, tako da nič čudnega da smo kaj zgrešile :D

  3. Mi smo si tudi šle ogledat, ampak sem se uspela zadržat. Mi je pa zdaj žal, ker sem si ravno te mat šminke ogledovala in to prvo linijo lakov... Si morem za drugič zapomnit :)

  4. Jaz sem si vzela samo en mat top coat (ki ga še nisem sprobala) in velvet mat šminko, ki mi je res top! :D zdrži celo mastne čevapčiče haha no skoraj, nastane tak ombre efekt, ki mi je čisto všeč :D sem res impresionirana za to ceno :D

    1. Me res zanima kako se obnese matte top coat, sem si ga ogledovala, pa nisem bila sure :) Šminke so pa res super :)

  5. Jaz sem šla samo na hitro mimo, me na prvi pogled ni nekaj privlačilo ampak teli lakci izgledajo res lepi :)

    1. Iskreno povedano, tudi jaz nebi stopila zraven če nebi vedela za katero znamko gre in če nebi poznala lakov <3

  6. Joj kako čudovita sta modra odtenka. Lepo, da je prišla znamka v Slovenijo, ker sem njihove lake že pred leti občudovala na raznih forumih :) kakšne so pa cene lakov?

    1. Cene lakov se nahajajo nekje med 1-2 evra če če me spomin ne vara :) (Super ugodno <3)


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