gorgeous beauties are finally mine! I had coupons that got me 50% off the price
for three Essie nail polishes. I did some research and finally decided on these
three colors: blanc, fiji and chinchilly. I love all of
them and can't wait to play around with them.
Which Essie
polishes do you have and love?
See you in
my next post!

super izbira! :) od tega mam jaz samo Fiji-ja (ki je en mojih najljubših<3), drugače pa imam vse skupaj 16 Essie-jev (grozna sem, vem :/).
ReplyDeleteHvala, sem celo večnost stala v trgovini in se odločala katere naj vzamem :) Oh, to ti pa prou zavidam, ampak popolnoma razumem ker so res čudovite barve in super formula :)
Deletedober nakup, mene še čaka :)) jst mam preveč essie lakov (36). Fiji in blanc sta my favourite :))
ReplyDeleteoh, Essie lakov ni nikol preveč :) Jst jih mam zaenkrat 5 ampak mam občutek da bo številka hitro narasla :)