Thursday, 4 May 2017

Review: Deborah Milano Velvet Fluid Mat Lipstick 02

Liquid lipstick are without a doubt my favourite formula, but with the abundance of different options available everywhere it's hard to find the perfect formula. It was by chance that I discovered the best formula I've tried from the drugstore so far and I'm excited to share it with you today.

Back in December, one of my favourite blogger friends surprised me with a Christmas gift and a part of it was one of the best matte liquid lipsticks I've ever tried. After a while, I realized that it's almost a perfect dupe for my all-time favourite lipstick and I knew I had to share it with you.

Deborah's Velvet Fluid Mat lipstick in 02 is a mauve-y rose shade that gives my lips that »your-lips-but-better« effect that everybody loves. Although it has a matte finish, there is lots of tiny shimmer in the formula, that give the lips a bit more depth and dimension.

The texture is light and almost liquid-y and can be applied in very thin layers. Because of that it feels light and comfortable on the lips, it's almost undetectable and I often forget that I'm wearing anything.

It doesn't look patchy and doesn't crack of when it dries. It survives drinking and even lighter meals, and in case it starts to fade, it still looks even. It can be re-applied and layers without getting to thick or chunky.

Staying power is amazing and there have been many occasions where I was sure, there is no more lipstick on my lips and then got complimented on it. When I need my lipstick to last and stay put I always reach for this one, as I know I can trust it to stay flawless.

After a month of having it I realized it is almost a perfect dupe for my MAC Mehr lipstick.

 Although the finish looks almost identical, the Deborah's upper layer gets completely matte, while Mehr maintains that creamy lipstick feel while still looking matte. The Deborah lipstick has shimmer and Mehr doesn't, but the difference is barely visible.

Staying power is almost identical and it comes down only to the preference of the formulas, whether you prefer a liquid matte lipstick or a traditional matte lipstick in a tube. 

The MAC lipstick has the cult luxury feel to it and has the added benefit of the vannila scent, however Deborah's Fluid Velvet in 02 offers almost identical shade, comfort and the staying power for a friction of the price.

Big thanks to UniqaPoly for such a great gift, you are a total sweetheart <3

Thanks for reading and see you in my next post!

your Beautysaur


  1. Oh ja, tele me pa res mučijo. Vsakič jih gledam v DM-u, pa se za zdaj še držim nazaj, ker imam toliko Colourpop-ovih. Imam pa tvoje priporočilo shranjeno na wishlisti že odkar si prvič govorila o njih :)

    1. Glede na tvojo oceno Colourpopa bi pričakovala da so te manj izsušujoče :)
      Sem ravnokar naročila Colourpop (dobro da maš oceno na blogu, sem pol ure preživela na tvojem postu in razmišljala kaj se mi splača) :D

  2. Wii, sem ful vesela,da ti je všeč! Jaz se še nisem vdala, ampak se bom kmalu, grem po mojem tud po en tale odtenek! :P

    1. Glede na tvojo ljubezen do šmink je po mojem samo vprašanje časa kdaj boš šla po njo :)


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