Saturday 22 March 2014

Lost in books #3 the Matched series

Can you imagine living in a place, where the government controls every single aspect of your life? 
They control where you live, what do you do, what and when you eat and even who you will spend your life with. 
Welcome to the Society!

The Matched series by Ally Condie

I’ve recently read the Mached trilogy by Ally Condie, which I loved and decided to share my opinions with you. The series is a mixture of young adult/romance/dystopian genre with a thrilling story that kept me from doing anything else but reading it (seriously, I’ve finished the first two books in a same day).

First, let me get into what it is all about:

Matched –book 1:
Everything is happening in a futuristic, dystopian society where the citizens are very strictly controlled and organized by the government. The citizens are “matched” at the age of 17, which basically means being paired with the best possible match, by the authorities. Cassia, the main protagonist, gets matched with her best friend Xander, which happens very seldom, but they are both very excited about it.  Later at home, she wants to look at the information about Xander that she was given on her micro card, instead of him; she sees a picture of her childhood friend Ky. At the beginning she hopes, that she is still matched to Xander, but then starts slowly falling in love with Ky. Throughout the book, Cassia faces a lot of hard decisions and finds out some facts about the government and the Society that will change her life forever.

Crossed –book 2:
Cassia wants to take control of her life and make her own decisions about her future so she joutneys to the Outer Provinces to find Ky, who was taken away by the Society. Whilst doing so, she is faced with another way of life, outside of the Society’s strict rules and has to make another life changing decision that might help to change and destroy the Society forever.

Reached –book 3:
Soon after they find each other, Cassia and Ky are separated again as they join the rebellion. Everything changes when the veil of a dystopian Society is lifted. Cassia discovers creativity but besides that, she still has to find Ky and her family whilst battling a threat that endangers the whole population.

This book took a few chapters for me to fall for it, but when I did, I fell hard. I love how the story is well thought of, how different but at the same time similar it is to our on society. I liked how the story emphasized the importance of the thing we take for granted (like creativity, literature, art, history,…). After Hunger Games, there were not many dystopian books that would really impress me, but this one was quite amazing and made me dig deeper into the treasures of dystopian literature (so you can expect more reviews from the genre!).

I would recommend it to everyone who liked the Hunger Games and similar books, to all the adventurous people who like to challenge their minds with thoughts of how the future societies might look like.

(Let me just add at the end, that I never look at the reviews of the book I am writing about before I write my own, because I don’t want other opinions to change the way I feel about the book. So I wrote this one and then checked out some reviews online and I was really shocked by how many bad reviews are out there. Made me wander a little bit, whether my taste is so different, but then I decided that I don’t care about what other thought of the book. Therefore I wanted to just make a quick statement: In my Lost in books series, you will find my own opinions on the books, my thoughts and my feeling because I see no point in writing a review if it isn’t honest. )

Have you read the book? If you did, how did you feel about it, I would like to read your opinions? Also, do you have any recommendations on what I should read next?

Thanks for reading guys and I hope you enjoyed it!


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