Tuesday 18 March 2014

Spring series: Favorite spring accessories

Hello there! 

So here is another post in my spring series. This one is my favorite spring accessories. Most of them have been with me for quite a while so I might not even remember where they are from, but I decided to share the pictures with you anyway, to maybe give you some ideas or inspiration. 
For spring I like to wear floral, bright colors and brighten up my look with accesories. I love pairing them with bright nailpolish and pops of color in my makeup to complete the look.

So here they are:
double finger ring from Poland

set of bracelets from H&M
bracelet from Austria
watch from Primark
earrings from Austria
scarf from Bernardi
scarf from C&A
scarf from Austria
Thanks for reading!

your Beautysaur


  1. Ohh kako čudoviti šali :)) Mam kar zbirko šalov, ampak si že zelo dolgo nisem kakega kupila :) Si mi dala inspiracijo, da bom v lovu za popolnim cvetličnim šalom :)

  2. oh ja, kaj bi me punce brez šalov :) in kaj je lepšega kot pomladni šali :) moram priznat da se je moji zbirki tudi letos že pridružil kak nov :P :)
    vso srečo pri iskanju in le pokaži kakšnega si zbrala ko ga najdeš :)

    1. Hvala :) Upam da res najdem kakega :) Hihi


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