Tuesday 1 December 2015

Blogmas Day 1: Season's Greetings

It's here, it's finally here!
 The most wonderful, sparkly and jolly time of the year, and the best part is, that we can spend a little bit of it together on this blog!

Just as last year, I have planned a special blog post for every single day up until Christmas, to bring you a bit of joy and festive cheer!

(If you are feeling a bit nostalgic, here is a link to the last year's blogmas: Blogmas 2014)

Tomorrow we'll start with some gift ideas and then continue with Christmas recipes, ideas for decorating beauty and makeup recommendation and much more. Make sure to come back every day, because there will be a great giveaway hidden somewhere in the blogmas posts!

For today, let me just say that from the bottom of my heart, I wish you the best possible December –spend time with your loved ones, relax and enjoy the scent of cinnamon and spices in the air!

Thank you all for reading, following or commenting on my blog, it means the world to me! Now, let's enjoy this festive season together!

See you tomorrow!

your Beautysaur


  1. Hvala :) Pravzaprav je kuhano vino, je pa slika iz lanske blogmas objave, ko sem predstavila idejo za recept in dekoracijo vina :D

  2. Ma, zdaj bi pa kuhano vino ;)
    Drugače pa jaz tebi tudi želim super december, in se že veselim branja objav :)

    1. Pridi v Ljubljano pa častim :)
      Hvala in še enkrat, enako <3 :D

  3. Kuhanček <3<3<3<3 Komaj čakam tvoje objave, jaz upam da mi uspe cel Blogmas izpeljat po načrtu :D

    1. Jaa <3 O res hvala, ja sem vidla da tudi vidve letos, se prou veselim vseh objav :D


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