Thursday 17 December 2015

Blogmas Day 17: DIY gift ideas

Are you looking for a quick and really easy idea for a gift that you can put together yourself without breaking the budget? Today I'm sharing the gifts I'll be giving to quite a few people this year.

Gifts like this can be found all over the internet and to be honest, you can actually buy similar gifts at the store. But I find that making it yourself makes it a little bit more special and it allows you to customize each gift for its recipient.

It's actually very easy. You will need:

A mug
Hot chocolate mixture
Candy cane
Wrapping supplies

Package the chocolate and marshmallows into individual little wraps. Put them in the mug and add in a little candy cane.

Now that you have a cute, basic and easy gift you can add something extra, like a piece of jewellery, a gift card or anything else.

Wrap them to your liking, add a big festive bow and your gift is ready!

See you tomorrow!

your Beautysaur


  1. iiii jaz sem tako nardila za piškote moji prijateljici in fantu, sem jima nametala v lepo božično posodo za piškote nekaj sestavin,navodila in mislim da bosta ful vesela.No vsaj mojim navodilom se bosta zihr nasmejala:)


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