Thursday 15 October 2015

Preview: Merry Berry by Essence

It's not a secret that Christmas is my favorite time of the year. As much as I am trying to resist from getting into Christmas spirit too soon, the brands are already well prepared for this festive season. Today I am presenting you the Essence LE Merry Berry with gorgeous berry and gold shades for perfect Christmas makeup.

The collection will be available in the stores from November to December 2015!

 It was to be expected that I’d fall in love with a Christmas collection, and I really want to get every single thing from this collection, even though I fear it will be very popular and disappear from the stores very soon!

Do you have your heart set on any of the items from the collection?

Thanks for reading and see you in my next post!

your Beautysaur


  1. That golden shade is really pretty, I also love the quirky product names hehe. I've never tried anything from Essence but these products look wonderful, especially for this time of year! xxxxx

  2. 01 in 02 šminki! Nujno! *.* :D (Natalija)

  3. Kako zanimivi 3D senčki, so mi tako všeč krogci, da bi ju kar imela, čeprav nista moji barvi. Prvi 4 laki so čudoviti, od petega me zelo zanima swatch in koliko je prekrivalen :)


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