Saturday, 3 October 2015

Review: BIG & false lash volume mascara by Avon

A little while ago I was surprised with this Big & false lash mascara that Avon sent me to try out. The name of the mascara itself got me incredibly excited and after opening it, the want only added to my excitement.

This mascara was the main protagonist in Avon's September catalog and it promises a lot. With lots of fibers in the formula, it is supposed to give you lots and lots of volume and basically make you look like you are wearing falsies, without looking to fake and unnatural.

It comes with a big, fat bristle brush with lots of fibers in the formula. With a brush this big, it should be quite hard to reach all the lashes, but the pointed top makes it easy to coat all of them. I don't really like to use it on my bottom lashes, but it works great on the top ones.

 Given that it is supposed to be a volumizing mascara, this gives my lashes amazing length and definition. With the first coat, I can achieve quite a natural and understated look. If you add a second coating, the fibers seem to start working better and the lashes look full and very longs and actually start to resemble false lashes.

Because the formula has a lot of fibers, I was worried that there would be a lot of fallout and crumbling under my lash line, but luckily, that doesn't happen with this mascara. It stays on my lashes for the whole day, holds the curl and doesn't have any fallout, which is quite amazing.

It's only downside is the fact that it is quite easy to over-do the mascara which makes your lashes look very clumped and crumbly. But, if you are careful with the application, it's very easy to create beautiful long and voluminous lashes.

After a while of trying it out, I am really impressed with this mascara and am quite happy to add it to my permanent makeup stash. If you like full and voluminous lashes, this might be just for you, and the fact that it comes in a few different colors makes everything even better!

Thanks for reading and see you in my next post!

your Beauytsaur

P.S. Big thanks to Avon for sending this to me!


  1. Lepo ti podaljša in poudari trepalnice, čeprav imaš že naravne zelo lepe in rahlo uvihane :)

    1. Se mi zdi da res lepo "sodeluje" za naravnim lookom trepalnic in jih lepo poudari :)

  2. Ful maš lepe naravne trepalnice :D no, maskara pa tudi izgleda super na njih, edino krtačka izgleda zelo velika, kar ni nujno varno zame xD

    1. Hvala :D Ja malo se je treba potrudit, ker se da hitro še kaj poleg trepalnic pobarvat :D

  3. Oh my gosh this looks amazing!!!
    Becky Shannon xx - Life-by-Becky

  4. Zelo zgleda obetavna :) Sem jo ravno včeraj gledala na konferenci :)

    1. Luštna, ugodna in obstojna, meni se zdi res zelo fajn :D

  5. Trenutno moja najljubša maskara <3 Res lepe trepalnice naredi :D

    1. Res je, jst tudi kar precej posegam po njej :D

  6. Maskara ima zelo lep učinek na tvojih trepalnicah. :) Jaz imam vedno težave z velikimi krtačkami, ker imam potem maskaro namazano še na vekah.

    1. Hvala :) Ja velika krtačka je lahko problem, zato pa jaz te maskare ne uporabljam v jutrih ko se mi zelo mudi, ker rabim malo več časa in pozornosti da vse lepo izpade :D

  7. Sem jo zadnjič naročila, ker me je takoj zamikala. Sliši se super. Zdaj samo upam, da pride čim prej na vrsto, ker imam trenutno kar nekaj drugih maskar :).


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