The theme of the 7th day of Taya's Christmas Challenge was »Your favorite thing about Christmas«. I was quite bored of doing only nail posts for the challenge, so I decided to switch it up and do something a bit different.

What is your favorite thing about Christmas?
P.S.: Don't forget to enter my Christmas giveaway here!
Thanks for reading and see you tomorrow!
Happy holidays,
your Beautysaur
Ful lepe slike*o*
ReplyDeleteMeni je pa tako žal, da letos nisem mogla iti v LJ. Verjetno mi tudi ta teden ne bo zneslo. Fotke so pa res lepe. :)
ReplyDeleteHvala :) Glede na tvoje slike sploh nisi veliko zamudila, ker je tudi drugje res lepo, mene malo moti da je Ljubljana tako "moderna" z lučkami, ker so nekatere res nesmiselne...